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Discussion Questions: The Sometimes Sisters

1) Did the title of the book fit the story line?

2) Did you think that the book cover was intriguing? If you could have done something different for the cover, what would it have been?

3) Which of the three sisters could you most relate to and why?

4) Did you get a sense of Annie in the story even though she’d already passed away.

5) If you could sit down with one character in the book and have a long conversation with her/him, which one would it be?

6) Did the story move along at a good pace or was it too slow/too fast?

7) Which emotion—tears, anger, giggles—did you feel the most? Did your emotions change from the beginning to the end of the book?

8) Did the first chapter in the book—the scene where Annie died—set the emotional roller coaster for the whole story for you?

9) What are the motivations behind each of the sisters’ secrets that they don’t want to share? How much of a role does each of their upbringings play in their adult lives?

10) At what point in the story do you feel the shift in each sister’s attitude toward the other two.

11) What were your feelings toward Zed at the beginning of the story and how did they change as the story progressed.

12) What similar characteristics do the sisters share? How are they very different? 

13) Did you feel that Brook played an important role in the bringing the sisters together.

14) Was the ending satisfactory?

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