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Category: News

Dear Readers,

Y’all all know how much I love country music, and often it plays a part in my books. Well, drum roll please…I had the amazing opportunity of collaborating with country music star, Caylee Hammack on a book to go with her upcoming country album, Bed of Roses. The book, by the same name, will be out in early March in ebook and audio formats right along with her brand-new album. Each chapter correlates to a song on the album.

Caylee Hammack is a country singer, songwriter, and producer signed with Capitol Records Nashville. A corecipient, with Miranda Lambert, of the Academy of Country Music’s “Music Event of the Year” honor, she has been identified as an “Artist to Watch” by The Bobby Bones Show, Rolling Stone, and Hits magazine. Her debut album, If It Wasn’t for You, earned high praise from critics, with her deeply personal song “Small Town Hypocrite” named a “Best Song of 2020” by NPR and Esquire. Her sophomore album, Bed of Roses, is a sonic storybook of the tales and characters that shaped her into who she is today.

For more information, visit

It was an exciting adventure for both of us, and we hope you enjoy the read, the listen to both the audio book as well as her fantastic album.

On another front, I have a wonderful lineup of books coming out this year. The spinoff series, The Brothers of Paradise, follows the last Sisters of Paradise series beginning in August with Brodie’s story and continuing in October with Tripp’s book. I’m working on Knox’s right now, and he’s been sitting on my shoulder for a few weeks telling me all about his and Charlotte (Charlie’s) story.

Several of my fans asked me to write about the original ladies who lived in The Paradise during the cattle run days and when The Paradise was a high-class brothel. I listened, and The Paradise Petition comes out July 15. It’s the tale of two of the ladies who move to Autrie, Texas and begin to stir up trouble in hopes of getting the ball rolling on women’s rights.

Before that, Lori Foster, Fern Michaels and I have an anthology hitting the market on April 29—Lilac Time. My story in the collection is The Memory Cabin.

On a personal level, I will be chasing around the country this year. Check my FB page for dates and times where I’ll be signing books in Las Vegas, Deadwood, SD, Erlanger, KY, Ashville, NC, and Pensacola, FL. I would love to see y’all at any or all of them.

Until next time, happy reading!!!

Dear Readers...

Can you believe that the holiday season is in full swing? Halloween 2024 is in the history books, and now Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up fast. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. We all have a different “thankful bucket list” for what we are thankful for, and mine is basically the same every year, but this year I’ve added a few things—especially since I recently had a birthday and realized that there are more years behind me than in front of me.

So, with that in mind, here goes:

I’m thankful for all the years I had with Mr. B. It’s hard to believe that he’s been gone nearly a year. We had such a good life together, and so many memories that keep his spirit with me through the days.

I’m thankful for my family who have kept me sane this past year. Without them I’m not sure I would have survived each day—no, each hour.

I’m thankful for my health and prize each moment that I can say that.

I’m thankful for our family gatherings for the holidays. I have three children, fifteen grandchildren and twenty-seven great grands. Some of the grands we got with a marriage license instead of a birth certificate. The way I figure is that marriage licenses and birth certificates are all just paper. In my heart every one of them—even the ornery ones—is mine. Like a mama bear or a Nene bear in my case, I would fight for any of them because they belong to me.

I’m thankful for my readers and for the support and love they shower upon me. They are truly the wind beneath my writing wings and keep me in my office chair many hours of every day.
I’m thankful for each member of my publication teams that help with edits, covers and all that goes into a turning an idea into a book.

Most of all, I’m thankful for my faith in God. Without that, I wouldn’t have the strength to get through each day.

So, looking back over the year, what have you got to be thankful for? We are having a Month of Thankfulness on my social media pages starting November 4. Check out any of the following to join us for the month, have fun and win prizes.

Author’s Page:
My Sassy Babe’s Group:
Or Instagram:

Until next time,

Dear Readers,

I read somewhere that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. I believe that time works the same way. Here it is the middle of April, and it seems like only yesterday that we brought 2024 into the picture.

Maybe the passage of time so quickly is in direct correlation to how busy a person is. Seems to be that way for me. I’ve finished two novels since the first of the year and am working on the first historical that I’ve written in many years. A prequel to Trouble in Paradise that covers two of the shady lady’s lives when the old brothel in Spanish Fort, Texas closed its doors for good. It’s an exciting project, and I’m glad Montlake will be publishing it, possibly sometime in 2025.

The kids and I took a research trip on the first of this month. And OMGoodness, what a trip it was. We packed so much into that five-day road trip. We went from southern Oklahoma to the Guymon, which is located in the panhandle. From there we traveled down to the northern part of the Texas panhandle so I could get the lay of the land for a cowboy series I plan to write sometime this year. The wind was blowing so hard that tumbleweeds were literally flying over barbed wire fences and chasing each other across the road. Fifty-mile winds kicked up a dust storm and at times we could scarcely see the next yellow line on the highway.

We went to a lovely museum in Spearman, Texas, where the cowboy series will be set, then traveled on down to Amarillo and Abilene, where I plan to set another contemporary. From there we were off to Palestine where the historical book I’m writing now is set. We made a quick stop in Hico, Texas to check out that town for a contemporary and saw the eclipse while we were there. On the way home from Palestine, we experienced hard, driving rain, and flood warning signs. So, all in all, I have lots of fodder for this years’ writing. Now, my office chair is calling my name to get all the stories written for my amazing and loyal readers.

My son, Charles Lemar Brown, and I will be signing books in Ardmore, Oklahoma on April 27. Then we’ll both be attending the Wild Deadwood Reads event in Deadwood, South Dakota, in June, and will be signing on Saturday, June 15. Follow my Facebook page for locations and times. Hope to see some of y’all there!

On a personal level, we got a brand-new great-grandson on April 3. His name is Theo Lemar Brown, and of course we all think he’s just the cutest little feller ever.

Once again, thank you to all my readers for your support and the love you show me!

Until next time,

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