To Believe
Book 3: The Broken Road Series

Roseanna Cahill didn’t believe in happily-ever-after anymore. Not after a marriage that should never have started and which ended after four years. Country hearts like hers didn’t mix with city hearts like that of Colin Vance Fields III, better known as Trey. She thought she’d seen the last of Trey but then his sister showed up at her door begging for her help.
Trey had been kidnapped and they needed Roseanna’s tracking skills to rescue him. Trey had been left chained to a tree in the Ouachita Mountains of eastern Oklahoma, and had doubts that Roseanna would even consider his sister’s plea for help. Not after the way he had treated her. So he was surprised when she slung back the flap and told him to get ready for a long hike.
Neither of them was prepared for the emotions set loose during the trek across the mountain range. Roseanna sure wasn’t ready for what happened after they got home. Trey was determined that he wouldn’t lose her again. She was determined never to believe him again.
Funny how fate steps in just when two people think they’ve got their lives all figured out.